Introduction and Use Case:

Continuing from a previous post, today we’ll dissect even more simple but powerful KQL queries that are essential to keep in your threat hunting utility belt.


In my last post, we broke down some helpful, basic KQL queries and syntax:

  • Defining table to query against
  • Defining time periods manually and via GUI
  • Filtering out non-billable query results
  • Leveraged the Summarize function to manipulate results
  • Graphing results to chart
  • Querying specific devices
  • Querying the Usage table for anomalies

How verbose is an EventID?

SecurityEvent // <--Define the table to query

| where EventID == "4663" // <--Query for specific EventID

| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated,1d) // <--Return count per day

| render columnchart // <--Graph a column chart


Which Devices are Throwing a Specific EventID?

SecurityEvent // <--Define the table to query

| where EventID == "4663"   // <--Query for specific EventID

| summarize count() by Computer // <--Return count per computer

4663 Count by Computer

How often does a specific computer throw a specific EventID over a defined timespan?

SecurityEvent   // <--Define the table to query

| where EventID == "4663"   // <--Query for specific EventID

| where Computer == "This Guy" // <--Query a specific device

| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated,1d) // <--Return count per day

| render columnchart // <--Graph results to chart

4663 on ThisGuy


In this post, we broke down some helpful, basic KQL queries and syntax:

  • Defining table to query against
  • Querying for specific EventIDs
  • Querying specific devices
  • Combining these to query for specific EventIDs on specific devices
  • Leveraged the Summarize function to manipulate data (break totals up by day etc.)
  • Graphing results to chart

Official Microsoft References: