• Sentinel Integrated Rpi Soil Sensor 2.0 Part 4

    Introduction & Use Case: Today, We’ll build some automation (playbooks 📒) to swiftly address incidents when logged data values breach predefined thresholds. In this case, I’d like automated alerts ⚠ for when my plants are too hot 🔥, too cold ❄, or too thirsty 💧. [Read More]
  • Sentinel Integrated Rpi Soil Sensor 2.0 Part 2

    Introduction and Use Case: This follows up on a previous post where we built a Raspberry Pi based soil sensor and onboarded it to Azure IoT Hub. What next? How do we read that data and get it into a Log Analytics Workspace? 🤔 [Read More]
  • Sentinel Integrated Rpi Soil Sensor 2.0

    Introduction and Use Case: This post follows up on a couple of previous posts where we deployed a raspberry pi headlessly and onboarded syslog and auth logs (for security) to a log analytics workspace, then added an I2C soil moisture & temperature sensor and streamed the sensor data to the... [Read More]
  • Sentinel Integrated Rpi Soil Sensor

    Introduction and Use Case: As the agricultural industry continues to evolve and embrace new technologies, cost-effective and reliable IoT devices such as Raspberry Pi-based soil sensors have emerged as critical tools for farmers and growers. These sensors provide real-time data on soil conditions, enabling both large scale farmers and small-time... [Read More]